Welcome to SpinnDigital

We specialize in providing a three cornered approach (like the spinnaker sail) to your marketing needs. Utilize our full 'sail' of services to help your business fly downwind fast and easy. Located in beautiful British Columbia, we are your one-stop biz-marketing shop.


Corner #1: Copy and Content

Marketing agencies don't always think this way but...the 'secret sauce' is in the writing. It is the foundation of any website or ad strategy.

You are a savvy buyer, and you know what grabs your attention...Sadly, DIY business owners can come across as desperate in their content and copywriting. Blogs can be disguised ads that turn your readers off - or newsletters scream 'AI' (without any creativity) and make your readers yawn. Email funnels remain the golden goose of marketing so this truly matters! Don't underestimate the power of your words or your tone.

Get some style with us. Original copy + fresh content = value to buyers.

Corner #2: Digital Marketing

Do you have nightmares of large clocks ticking?  You know this fear intimately: there aren't going to be enough hours in the day to get everything done to help your client list grow. Yet you keep trying to do it all alone.

Dedicating some time to do marketing in the 'slow' months isn't going to keep your business thriving. We can help you acquire the leads, reviews and SEO ranking you need to get noticed in the sea of online competition. We can work for as long or as little as you need. No contract required!

Corner #3: Brand Development

Trying to launch and run your business and be creative with branding and do advertising can give anyone anxiety. We know you have the passion and 'work-horse' mentality and we are here to help you execute what you truly need. But you're probably too overwhelmed to get it done just right. This is not efficient when you need to focus on making sales. We will be your creative space you desperately need to get your brand developed and noticed. Everything flows from there...

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost for marketing services?

At SpinnDigital we offer a wide range of services to complete our three cornered approach.

Digital Marketing packages include our Spinn Strategy:

Reputation or Review Management - Get great Google reviews fast (and filter the not so great ones right to your inbox to manage and fix client issues!). We will also help you ask previous clients to review your services to them. Topping up your google reviews instantly helps your SEO in an easy way. Starting @ $197/month

Email/SMS Marketing - Consider this your business ATM machine to get existing clients coming back for more. We help with creating the offer and you get ready, set, cha-ching! Emails and texts are automated directly to your client list with creative offers they can't refuse. Starting at $297/month/campaign

Lead Generation - small to no client list yet? Want to bring new buyers in? This is where we hit social channels or Google ads to get the word out about your newest offer. This is your service placed in front of primed, needy buyers - using great copywriting and without being overly salesy. Starting at $797/month (Includes creation and optimization of 3 ads/campaign. Does not include ad spend).

SEO - You are in for the long haul to build your business. Who isn't? SEO is crucial and POWERFUL but it isn't instant like the above strategies. We use top SEO experts to optimize your website using strategies like keyword frontloading, LSI (latent semantic indexing) keywords, double checking optimization for mobile, search intent monitoring, reducing bounce rate with good web design, building backlinks, internal linking and creating more great content etc. $897/month (90 days minumum to see results)

Package our strategies together for a savings of almost $500/month. Receive ALL Digital Marketing strategies for as low as $1697/Month. Other package discounts discussed so you can build up your marketing gradually.

*Unlike most marketing agencies - we are personally accountable to you, show you results anytime, and take on very few clients in order to maximize our customer service and value to you!

*No contract necessary! (90 days is recommended to see results).

Brand Development

Your brand is everything for your business and it is specifically created to reach your unique target market. If you aren't 1000% certain what your brand is, your potential customers won't know either. You'll be forgotten and they will click away from your site, confused, and try again with your competition. We will help you with solid market research, brainstorming and understanding why you started your business in the first place to create your story - your brand profile that reaches your desired clients in order to use forever. Yes, you will need this in everything you do! Prices vary based on the help you need. $60/hour Brand Development info

Content Creation/Copywriting

Content and Copy

Engaging, high-quality content is writing (ie. blogs, webpages, newsletters) that actually adds value to reader's lives, branded to your unique voice and style so they make a personal connection to you. That content is then marketed with stand-out advertising copy that converts readers to buyers (ie. landing pages, Facebook ads, etc) $60/hour for all writing needs that are not included already in our Digital Marketing offers. More info

Website Audit - We take a fine tooth editor's comb through your pages to optimize keyword usage throughout. Proofreading, writing in a consistent brand tone and creating specific calls to action so people truly understand how your service or product will meet their need or solve their pain point. $120/page. $200/full rewrite

How can you help my business grow?

Our three-cornered approach ensures that all aspects of your marketing strategy are covered, driving growth by creating your very own Business ATM client machine to maximizing your ROI. See more

What makes SpinnDigital unique?

Personalized and direct service. We value each and every client. We don't just send you a monthly screenshot of data of how your boring automated ads are doing with your rising pay-per-click rates. Ahem! Sorry other marketers...

Fast response! We are readily available for all your questions and can reply in a pretty decent timeframe. Our unique three-cornered approach (Digital Marketing, Brand Development, Content and Copywriting) combines all essential marketing services under one deck, providing comprehensive solutions tailored to your business needs.

Pick and Choose! Which strategies do you need most month to month? We can customize your marketing approach, or work with you to decide where your money is best spent based on your business. (Just because google ads exists - doesn't mean you have to use it!)

No contract necessary. Let the wind be your guide! Our marketing is tailored to your needs., and because we don't require a contract - we can maintain trust in our client relationships. We know that if we aren't performing what you need month to month - you have no reason to stay. But we'd kinda like you to stick around - so we work HARD to bring you the most value!


"Great to work with. My site needed refreshing. SpinnDigital was quick, responsive, and their edits and new copy really helped us get our message across" 

 Jessica Schaap-White

"Rebecca at SpinnDigital wrote my newsletter emails for months of my political campaign. Our open rate was always over 60% and 5-13% click engagement rate depending on the ask. I don't know where the creativity came from so quickly but my readers love my newsletters!"

Kris Loewen - CPBC Candidate

"Rebecca helped me reimagine my website homepage to meet my new business goals. She wrote the content for the homepage, about page, and several blogs. She also created a few original Facebook Ad ideas for me to use whenever I was ready. Great value in this customized service!"

Michael Gyori - Transfer to Digital

Contact us

Phone or text: 647-2-SPINN-4

Reach out to us for a free consultation and discover how we can help your business grow.


West Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

About us

We care deeply about helping small businesses get noticed. How do we do this? We take on few clients, focus deeply on YOUR success and offer the most value for every dollar you entrust to your marketing plan. The methods we offer mean you get to choose as much or as little marketing as you like. No need to launch something huge before you're ready, and you can start with one campaign at a time. Marketing with us will have a ripple effect - over time your brand and online presence will grow. And over time - no one will know your business as intimately as we do - so we can help you out whenever you need.

Hi! I'm Rebecca Robinson, founder of SpinnDigital. And yes, I'm a sailor... I have raced sailboats and manned the foredeck - where the spinnaker (or 'spinn') is the main job. But anyway! I started this journey with jobs in journalism and small town newspapers (press release writer/editor).  I worked at a Vancouver Newsletter Factory that mainly focused on content and ad writing for Financial Investment Advisors. My degree at UBC in Creative Writing followed by an Education degree led to magazine editing work and to teaching English and History to teens. Now I needed to catch and maintain the attention of the toughest audience - middle schoolers! 

Along my career path, I raised three incredible kids, worked for years as Education and Outreach Coordinator for a non-profit, as well as ran my own private video documentary company called Life Story Film. It's been an amazing ride and I'm excited to bring my varied experience to your project. As a life-long learner, being creative, happily researching or understanding human psychology are my spare time 'go-tos'. Oddly - that's everything a business needs to know to grow!

Let the team bring you our specialties in digital marketing, brand development, and copywriting, all designed synergistically to help your business succeed in your competitive market. We tailor our services to meet your unique needs.

Our promise: Every strategy we implement will align with your business goals. We want to be the first marketing agency you can really trust.

Start with us and your search for help is over.